Operasi Spectrum dilakukan pada 1987 oleh Departemen Keamanan Dalam Negeri (DKDN) Singapura dengan menggunakan Akta Keamanan Dalam negeri (Internal Security Act - ISA). Dalam operasi keamanan ini 22 orang muda anggota Gereja Katolik Roma yang juga merupakan aktivis sosial dan professional, ditahan tanpa proses peradilan di bawah Undang-Undang Keamanan Dalam Negeri. Mereka dituduh menjadi anggota komplotan Marxis yang berbahaya yang bermaksud untuk mensubversi pemerintah yang dipimpin oleh Partai Aksi Rakyat (People's Action Party – PAP) dengan paksa, dan menggantikannya dengan sebuah negara Marxis.
Terbukti kemudian bahwa beberapa orang di antara mereka diam-diam telah membantu Partai Buruh (Workers' Party) yang merupakan partai oposisi pemerintah. Setelah mereka dilepaskan, beberapa dari bekas tahanan itu menerbitkan sebuah pernyataan yang membantah penyangkalan oleh pemerintah bahwa mereka telah disiksa. Dengan segera mereka ditahan kembali. Mereka belakangan dilepaskan dengan syarat bahwa mereka menandatangani pernyataan di bawah sumpah yang isinya menolak segala sesuatu yang pernah mereka katakan dalam pernyataan pers mereka. Seorang pengacara yang berani, mantan jaksa agung Francis Seow, ikut campur untuk mewakili salah seorang tahanan yang meminta bantuan hukumnya. Ketika Seow tiba di tempat penahanan, ia sendiri pun ditahan oleh Departemen Keamanan Dalam Negeri dan baru dilepaskan setelah dua bulan lebih. Ia belakangan dikenai tuduhan dan dinyatakan bersalah secara in absentia karena menghindari pembayaran pajak. Seow kini hidup di pengasingan di Amerika Serikat.
Bahkan hingga baru-baru ini, kasus komplotan Marxis ini tetap menjadi teka-teki. Para tahanan itu sendiri tidak kelihatan sesuai dengan gambaran stereotipe sebagai "agitator" yang aktivitas-aktivitasnya begitu mengganggu PAP seperti yang terjadi pada 1950-an dan 1960-an. Didorong oleh keberhasilan pemberontakan komunis di Tiongkok dan Vietnam, para tokoh kiri tua cenderung menjadi orator populis yang suka berdebat. Sebaliknya, para tahanan itu umumnya terdiri dari kaum professional yang terdidik. Malah, orang yang dituduh sebagai otak di balik komplotan ini adalah Vincent Cheng, seorang pekerjaan sosial dari Gereja Katolik Roma yang berusia 40 tahun, yang pernah belajar untuk menjadi seorang pastor. Target lainnya yang menonjol adalah seorang pengacara, Teo Soh Lung, seorang pendukung Partai Buruh, yang pernah berbenturan dengan PM Lee Kuan Yew pada suatu dengar pendapat di parlemen tentang Masyarakat Hukum pada 1986. Para tahanan lainnya termasuk pekerjaan sosial, pengacara, dan aktor.
Penangkapan kembali pada 1988
Kecuali Vincent Cheng, semua tahanan yang disebutkan di atas dibebaskan, pada waktu yang berbeda-beda, sebelum akhir 1987.
Pada 18 April 1988, 9 bekas tahanan menerbitkan sebuah pernyataan terbuka bersama (lihat bawah) yang menyangkal pengakuan-pengakuan mereka sebelumnya, dan menuduh bahwa para perwira DKDN memperlakukan mereka dengan buruk sementara mereka berada di tahanan. Dlapan orang di antaranya - Tang Lay Lee, Kenneth Tsang, Teo Soh Lung, Ng Bee Leng, Chng Suan Tze, William Yap Hon Ngian, Wong Souk Yee dan Kevin De Souza – ditangkap kembali esok harinya. Anggota kesembilan, Tang Fong Har, lolos dari penahanan karena saat itu ia sedang berada di luar negeri dan hingga sekarang tetap hidup di pengasingan. Yang juga ditahan adalah pengara Patrick Seong, yang dituduh oleh pemerintah telah menjadi "propagandis" dalam memberikan informasi kepada para wartawan asing pada masa penahanan tahun 1987.
Sepuluh hari kemudian, pemerintah mengumumkan bahwa sebuah komisi penyelidik yang diusulkan akan dibentuk untuk menyelidiki tuduhan-tuduhan yang eibuat oleh para tahanan itu tidak lagi diperlukan, karena para penandatangan itu telah mencabut pernyataan mereka ketika mereka berada di tahanan.
Pada 6 Mei, mantan jaksa agung Francis Seow, ketika menunggu untuk bertemu dengan dua dari tahanan-tahanan itu, juga ditahan di lingkungan DKDN. Pemerintah menuduhnya melakukan "kolusi dengan diplomat-diplomat AS untuk membangun oposisi di Singapura."
Dua hari kemudian Chew Kheng Chuan ditahan. Ia tidak termasuk di antara para penandatangan pernyataan itu, namun ia dituduh telah membantu menyunting, mencetak, dan menyebarkan pernyataan tersebut.
Kebanyakan para tahanan itu belakangan dilepaskan secara bertahap pada akhir 1988 dan selama 1989, setelah menandatangani surat pernyataan yang mencabut tuduhan-tuduhan sebelumnya.
Teo Soh Lung, yang telah memilih untuk membawa kasusnya ke pengadilan, harus menunggu hingga 1990. Vincent Cheng adalah orang terakhir dari para anggota "komplotan Marxis" itu yang dilepaskan, tak lama setelah Teo.
Pernyataan oleh para tahanan
Pada 18 April 1988, sembilan mantan tahanan Operasi Spectrum mengeluarkan sebuah pernyataan yang mengatakan bahwa meskipun mereka telah "membungkam karena penuh penyesalan dan takut " tentang "perlakuan yang tidak adil," mereka memutuskan untuk membuat pernyataan sekarang karena "serangan yang terus-menerus dari pihak-pihak yang menghinda Pemerintah dan undangannya untuk mengatakan kebenarannya ".
Berikut ini adalah cuplikan pernyataan tentang tuduhan siksaan pada masa penahanan mereka.
"...kami diinterogasi dengan kejam dan intensif, tanpa cukup tidur dan istirahat, beberapa dari kami dimasukkan ke ruangan yang dingin membeku bahkan hingga 70 jam. Pakaian pribadi kami semua dilucuti, termasuk kacamata, sepatu, dan pakaian dalam, dan disuruh berganti pakaian dengan seragam tahanan.
Kebanyakan dari kami disuruh berdiri terus-menerus selama interogasi, sebagian hingga lebih dari 20 jam dan di bawah hembusan AC sekeras-kerasnya yang dipasang dengan temperatur yang sangat rendah.
Dalam keadaan seperti ini, seseorang dari antara kami terus-menerus disirami air dingin selama interogasi.
Kebanyakan dari kami dipukul di muka, sebagian menerima tidak kurang dari 50 pukulan, sementara yang lainnya dipukuli di bagian-bagian badan lainnya selama tiga hari pertama interogasi.
Kami diancam dengan lebih banyak siksaan fisik selama interogasi.
Kami diancam bahwa suami atau istri kami, orang-orang yang kami cintai dan teman-teman kami akan ditangkap, dipukuli dan disiksa. Kami diancam dengan penahanan TANPA BATAS tanpa pengadilan. Chia Thye Poh, yang masih berada dalam tahanan setelah dua puluh tahun, disebutkan sebagai contohnya. Kami diberitahukan bahwa tak seorang pun dapat menolong kami kecuali bila kami “bekerja sama” dengan DKDN.
Semua ancaman ini terus-menerus berada dalam benak kami selama kami menulis “pernyataan-pernyataan” kami di dalam tahanan.
Kami terus-menerus dianjurkan agar tidak menggunakan penasihat hukum dan dinasihati pula untuk memecat para pengacara kami serta tidak mengambil upaya hukum (termasuk mengajukan wakil untuk menghadap ke Dewan Penasihat ISA) agar kesempatan kami untuk dibebaskan tidak terganggu.
Kami dipaksa tampil di depan televisi dan diperingatkan bahwa pembebasan kami akan tergantung pada penampilan kami di depan televise. Kami dipaksa untuk membuat pernyataan-pernyataan seperti "Saya mempunyai kecenderungan Marxis..."; "Masyarakat yang saya cita-citakan adalah masyarakat tanpa kelas..." ; " si Anu adalah pembina saya..."; "Saya telah dipakai oleh si Anu..." untuk menunjukkan bahwa kami dan para tahanan lainnya memang bersalah."
Selasa, 18 Januari 2011
Rabu, 01 Desember 2010
No Love (Eminem ft. Lil Wayne)
[Lil Wayne]
Throw dirt on me and grow a wildflower
Yeah, my life a bitch, but you know nothing bout her
Been to hell and back, I can show you vouchers
I'm rolling Sweets, I'm smoking sour
Married to the game but she broke her vows
That's why my bars are full of broken bottles
And my night stands are full of open Bibles
I think about more than I forget
But I don't go around fire expecting not to sweat
And these niggas know I lay them down, make their bed
Bitches try to kick me while I'm down: I'll break your leg
Money outweighing problems on the triple beam
I'm sticking to the script, you niggas skipping scenes
Be good or be good at it
Fucking right I've got my gun, semi-CartermaticYeah, put a dick in their mouth, so I guess it's "fuck what they say"
I'm high as a bitch: up, up and away
Man, I come down in a couple of days
OK, you want me up in the cage, then I'll come out in beast mode
I got this world stuck in the safe, combination is the G-code
It's Weezy motherfucker, blood gang and I'm in bleed mode
All about my dough but I don't even check the peephole
So you can keep knocking but won't knock me down
No love lost, no love found
It's a little too late to say that you're sorry now
You kicked me when I was down
Fuck what you say, just (don't hurt me, don't hurt me no more)
That's right bitch, and I don't need you, don't want to see you
Bitch you get (no love)
You show me nothing but hate
You ran me into the ground
But what comes around goes around
I don't need you (don't hurt me)
You (don't hurt me no more)
That's right, and I don't need you, don't want to see you
You get (no love)
Bitch you get (no love)
And I don't need you (no more)
Get em
I'm alive again
More alive than I have been in my whole entire life
I can see these people's ears perk up as I begin
To spaz with the pen, I'm a little bit sicker than most
Shit's finna get thick again
They say the competition is stiff
But I get a hard dick from this shit, now stick it in
I ain't never giving in again
Caution to the wind, complete freedom
Look at these rappers, how I treat them
So why the fuck would I join them when I beat them
They call me a freak because
I like to spit on these pussies fore I eat them
Man get these whack cocksuckers off stage
Where the fuck is Kanye when you need him?
Snatch the mic from him, bitch I'mma let you finish in a minute
Yeah the rap is tight
But I'm 'bout to spit the greatest verse of all time
So you might want to go back to the lab tonight and um
Scribble out them rhymes you were going to spit
And start over from scratch and write new ones
But I'm afraid that it ain't gonna make no difference
When I rip this stage and tear it in half tonight
It's an adrenaline rush to feel the bass thump
In the place all the way to the parking lot, fellow
Set fire to the mic and ignite the crowd
You can see the sparks from hot metal
Cold-hearted from the day I Bogarted the game
I so started to rock fellow
When I'm not even in my harshest
You can still get roasted because Marsh is not mellow
Til I'm toppling from the top I'm not going to stop
I'm standing on my Monopoly board
That means I'm on top of my game and it don't stop
Til my hip don't hop anymore
When you so good that you can't say it
Because it ain't even cool for you to sound cocky anymore
People just get sick cause you spit
These fools can't drool or dribble a drop anymore
And you can never break my stride
You never slow the momentum at any moment I'm about to blow
You'll never take my pride
Killing the flow, slow venom and the opponent
Is getting no mercy, mark my words
Ain't letting up, relentless
I smell blood, I don't give a fuck: keep giving them hell
Where was you when I fell and needed help up?
You get no love
More alive than I have been in my whole entire life
I can see these people's ears perk up as I begin
To spaz with the pen, I'm a little bit sicker than most
Shit's finna get thick again
They say the competition is stiff
But I get a hard dick from this shit, now stick it in
I ain't never giving in again
Caution to the wind, complete freedom
Look at these rappers, how I treat them
So why the fuck would I join them when I beat them
They call me a freak because
I like to spit on these pussies fore I eat them
Man get these whack cocksuckers off stage
Where the fuck is Kanye when you need him?
Snatch the mic from him, bitch I'mma let you finish in a minute
Yeah the rap is tight
But I'm 'bout to spit the greatest verse of all time
So you might want to go back to the lab tonight and um
Scribble out them rhymes you were going to spit
And start over from scratch and write new ones
But I'm afraid that it ain't gonna make no difference
When I rip this stage and tear it in half tonight
It's an adrenaline rush to feel the bass thump
In the place all the way to the parking lot, fellow
Set fire to the mic and ignite the crowd
You can see the sparks from hot metal
Cold-hearted from the day I Bogarted the game
I so started to rock fellow
When I'm not even in my harshest
You can still get roasted because Marsh is not mellow
Til I'm toppling from the top I'm not going to stop
I'm standing on my Monopoly board
That means I'm on top of my game and it don't stop
Til my hip don't hop anymore
When you so good that you can't say it
Because it ain't even cool for you to sound cocky anymore
People just get sick cause you spit
These fools can't drool or dribble a drop anymore
And you can never break my stride
You never slow the momentum at any moment I'm about to blow
You'll never take my pride
Killing the flow, slow venom and the opponent
Is getting no mercy, mark my words
Ain't letting up, relentless
I smell blood, I don't give a fuck: keep giving them hell
Where was you when I fell and needed help up?
You get no love
Waiting For The End (Linkin Park)
This is not the end, this is not the beginning
But you listen through the tone and the violent rhythm and
Though the words sound steady, something empty's within 'em
We say yeah / with fists flying up in the air
Like we're holding onto something that's invisible there
'Cause we're living at the mercy of the pain and fear
Until we dead it / forget it / let it all disappear
Waiting for the end to come / wishing I had strength to standThis was not what I had planned
It's out of my control
Flying at the speed of light / thoughts were spinning in my head
So many things were left unsaid
It's hard to let you go
I know what it takes to move on
I know how it feels to lie
All I want to do is trade this life for something new
Holding on to what I haven't got
Sitting in an empty room / Trying to forget the past
This was never meant to last
I wish it wasn't so
I know what it takes to move on
I know how it feels to lie
All I want to do is trade this life for something new
Holding on to what I haven't got
What was left when that fire was gone
I thought it felt right but that right was wrong
All caught up in the eye of the storm
And trying to figure out what it's like moving on
And I don't even know what kind of things I said
My mouth kept moving and my mind went dead so
Picking up the pieces now where to begin
The hardest part of ending is starting again
All I want to do is trade this life for something new
Holding on to what I haven't got
This is not the end, this is not the beginning
Just a voice like a riot rocking every revision
But you listen through the tone and the violent rhythm and
Though the words sound steady, something empty's within 'em
We say yeah / with fists flying up in the airLike we're holding onto something that's invisible there
'Cause we're living at the mercy of the pain and fear
Until we dead it / forget it / let it all disappear
What I've Done (Linkin Park)
In this farewell
There's no blood
There's no alibi
And wash away...
What I've done
I'll face myself
To cross out what I've become
Erase myself
And let go of what I've done
Put to rest
What you thought of me
While I clean this slate
With the hands
Of uncertainty
So let mercy come
And wash away...
For What I've done
I'll start again
And whatever pain may come
Today this ends
I'm forgiving...
There's no blood
There's no alibi
From the truth
Of a thousand lies
So let mercy come And wash away...
What I've done
I'll face myself
To cross out what I've become
Erase myself
And let go of what I've done
Put to rest
What you thought of me
While I clean this slate
With the hands
Of uncertainty
So let mercy come
And wash away...
For What I've done
I'll start again
And whatever pain may come
Today this ends
I'm forgiving...
Faint (Linkin Park)
I am
Little bit of loneliness
A handful of complaints
But I can't help the fact
That everyone can see these scars
I am
What I want you to want What I want you to feel
But it's like
No matter what I do
I can't convince you
To just believe this is real
So I let go
Watching you
Turn your back like you always do
Face away and pretend that I'm not
But I'll be here
'Cause you're all I got
I can't feel
The way I did before
Don't turn your back on me
I won't be ignored
Time won't heal
This damage anymore
Don't turn your back on me
I won't be ignored
I am
A little bit insecure
A little unconfident
'Cause you don't understand I do what I can
But sometimes I don't make sense
I am
What you never want to say
But I've never had a doubt
It's like no matter what I do
I can't convince you
For once just to hear me out
So I let go
Watching you
Turn your back like you always do
Face away and pretend that I'm not
But I'll be here
'Cause you're all I got
Hear me out now
You're gonna listen to me
Like it or not
Right now
In The End (Linkin Park)
It starts with
One thing / I don't know why
Keep that in mind / I designed this rhyme
To explain in due time
All I know
Time is a valuable thing Watch it fly by as the pendulum swings
Watch it count down to the end of the day
The clock ticks life away
It's so unreal
Didn't look out below
Watch the time go right out the window
Trying to hold on / but didn't even know
Wasted it all just to
Watch you go
I kept everything inside and even though I tried / It all fell apart
What it meant to me / will eventually / be a memory / of a time when
I tried so hard
And got so far
But in the end
It doesn't even matter
I had to fall
And lose it all
But in the end
It doesn't even matter
One thing / I don't know why
Doesn't even matter how hard you try
Keep that in mind / I designed this rhyme
To remind myself how
I tried so hard In spite of the way you were mocking me
Acting like I was part of your property
Remembering all the times you fought with me / I'm surprised
It got so [far]
Things aren't the way they were before
You wouldn't even recognize me anymore
Not that you knew me back then
But it all comes back to me
In the end
You kept everything inside and even though I tried / it all fell apart
What it meant to me / will eventually / be a memory / of a time when
Il put my trust in you
Pushed as far as I can go
And for all this
There's only one thing you should know...

Love The Way You Lie (Eminem ft. Rihanna)
Just gonna stand there and watch me burn[Rihanna]
But that's alright because I like the way it hurts
Just gonna stand there and hear me cry
But that's alright because I love the way you lie, I love the way you lie, I love the way you lie
I can't tell you what it really is
I can only tell you what it feels like
And right now it's a still knife in my wind pipe
I can't breathe but I still fight while can fight
As long as the wrong feels right it's like I'm in flight
High off the love, drunk from my hate,
It's like I'm huffing paint and I love it the more I suffer, I suffocate
And right before I'm about to drown, she resuscitates meShe fucking hates me and I love it.
Wait! Where you going? I'm leaving you
No you ain't. Come back we're running right back.
Here we go again
It's so insane cus when its going good its going great.
I'm superman with the wind in his back
Shes Louis Lane but when its bad its awful, I feel so ashamed I snap
Who's that dude? I don't even know his name
I laid hands on her, I'll never stoop so low again
I guess I don't know my own strength
You ever love somebody so much you can barely breathe
When you're with 'em
You meet and neither one of you even know what hit 'em
Got that warm fuzzy feeling
Yeah, them chills used to get 'em
Now you're getting fucking sick of looking at him
You swore you'd never hit him; never do nothing to hurt him
Now you're in each other's face spewing venom in your words when you spit 'em
You push pull each other's hair, scratch, claw, bit 'em
Throw 'em down pin 'em
So lost in the moments when you're in them
It's a rage that's took over it controls your both
So they say you're best to go your separate ways
Guess if they don't know you cus today that was yesterday
Yesterday is over it's a different day
Sound like broken records playing over but you promised her
Next time you show restraint
You don't get another chance
Life is no Nintendo game
But you lied again
Now you get to watch her leave out the window
Guess that's why they call it window pane
Now I know we said things hit things that we didn't mean
And we fall back into the same patterns same routine
But your temper's just as bad as mine is
You're the same as me
But when it comes to love you're just as blinded
Baby, please come back
It wasn't you, baby it was me
Maybe our relationship isn't as crazy as it seemed
Maybe that's what happens when a tornado meets a volcano
All I know is I love you too much to walk away though
Come inside, pick up your bags off the sidewalk
Don't you hear sincerity in my voice when I talk
I told you this is my fault
Look me in the eye ball
Next time I'm pissed, I'll aim my fist at the drywall
Next time. There will be no next time
I apologize even though I know its lies
I'm tired of the games I just want her back
I know I'm a liar
If she ever tries to fucking leave again
Im'a tie her to the bed and set the house on fire

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